What Are The Different Types Of Acne And Their Solutions?

Different Types Of Acne And Their Solutions

Acne is common in teenagers due to hormonal changes, but adults also encounter this problem, making it a widespread skin condition in all genders and ages. It can be treated with many procedures, but it’s best to know which type of acne you have for a successful treatment.

Acne has two types, inflammatory and non inflammatory. These types are further divided into blackheads, nodules, papules, whiteheads, cysts, and pustules. It is possible to have different kinds of acne simultaneously, which should not be ignored. But there’s no need to be upset or stressed; acne can be treated with additional measures.

Let’s try to understand the different types of acne.

Blackheads and whiteheads fall into the category of non-inflammatory acne, which doesn’t swell up.

Blackheads are caused due to clogged pores with dead skin cells and sebum. It appears as black on the upper surface because the top remains open, and the rest becomes clogged. The exact reasons cause whiteheads, but the pore’s top closes and gives small bumps on the skin.

They can be treated easily with treatments that usually don’t need a prescription. Salicylic acid is a favorite product for treating acne, but it is most promising for non inflammatory acne. Your skin needs exfoliation, which salicylic acid provides and removes the causes of blackheads and whiteheads. It would help if you opted for moisturizers, cleansers, and face washes with salicylic acid.

Inflammatory acne means red and swollen pimples that are often too painful. Bacteria play a significant role in the clogging of pores which leads to inflammatory acne. Sebum and dead skin cells are also a reason for its cause. The area beneath the skin’s surface becomes deeply infected due to bacteria, resulting in painful acne too challenging to alleviate.

When extreme inflammation occurs, your walls around the pores break down and cause clogged and thick pores too painful and soft to touch called papules. They cause a pinkish color around themselves.

Consider watching this video to know more about five ways to fight acne…

Pustules are also caused due to the same reason, but they are not like papules. Instead, they are filled with pus. They have a yellow and white head on top filled with pus inside and reddish skin around them.

Retinoids are used to treat inflammatory capsules and pustules.

Swollen and clogged pores cause additional irritation and grow their size, turning into nodules. Nodules are challenging to treat and should be checked by the doctor because they are too deep inside the skin to treat at home with ordinary measures.

When sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells altogether clog the pores, they cause cysts. These clogs are even more profound than the nodules under the skin surface. They are enormous red and white bumps too painful even to touch. Cysts are the most prominent and most painful form of acne caused by severe infection. It also leaves scars, so it should not be ignored and immediately treated by the doctor.

Did you know there were different types of acne? Let us know in the comments if you have ever experienced any kind of acne.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!