What Are The Disastrous Effects Of Intense Dieting?

Disastrous Effects Of Intense Dieting

According to research, adults should consume 1200-2400 calories per day according to their body type and requirement. Due to the ever-growing concept of becoming slimmer and thinner, people use different kinds of a diet that instead of making them healthy, takes them towards a destructive outcome. The real concept of dieting is to eat healthy, nutritious, and proper meals to stay active and smart, but some people use dieting as a concept of losing weight. If you’re one of those who use dieting for weight loss, you should know the impacts and health risks attached to it. As long as the diet you’re consuming is healthy and fulfilling, it will help you reach your destination safely but overtake anything hazardous to health. To help you understand the concept and effects of extreme dieting, we have to dig some research for awareness.

One of the most vital impacts of extreme dieting is feeling tired and mood swings. When a person is doing intense dieting, such as taking fewer calories than their body type, weight, and height, it leads to mood change. Mood swings like sometimes feeling tired, aloof, angry, sad, and even frustrated because of not getting wholesome meals in your stomach. As you cut down your calories, your body will require even more energy to convert into energy. The levels of your sugar and blood will drop, which will make you feel tired, irritable, and even more food cravings. Some people who do intense dieting end up eating even more due to cravings from their bodies, making it irresistible for them to stop eating unhealthy food.

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Slow metabolism is also one of the impacts of extreme dieting on a person. As your body experiences a calorie deficit in its diet, your energy levels drop, and your metabolism will become naturally slower than usual to conserve energy. If you’re someone who wants to slim down and tone, you may find that you preserve the same body fat levels but experience muscle tone loss. Furthermore, you might also experience some changes in your Digestion and Gallstones. Proper digestion requires sufficient fiber and water levels, which your body accepts from different kinds of fruits, vegetables, and grains. When you go on a strict diet, you might stop consuming these materials in the right quantity. It may lead to constipation, slowed digestion, and even bloating more. An extreme diet can reduce gallbladder functions, leading to gallstones’ formation.

A person who does an extreme diet may also experience saggy skin and stretch marks on their body. These are formed as a product of losing too much weight, too fast. It may happen because your skin may not be as quick to shrink after the weight loss as your actual body. It is an effect that might make a lot of people super conscious, which is why they go for surgeries to remove them. All this will have a lot of adverse outcomes on the person’s emotional and physical health.

One of the other reasons for intense weight loss is losing your periods more than often. Menstruation or periods are the monthly cycles that women undergo to produce eggs for their future pregnancy. The stress and overwhelming situation might cause hormonal changes in your body, which will stop your periods or make them irregular. It is also alarming for women trying to get pregnant and doing too much dieting, which will reduce their chances of becoming pregnant. People should consider dieting according to proper instructions or guidance from their doctor, nutritionist, or trainer, who might know its consequences. A wrong decision might affect your physical and mental health.  

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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