What Are The Effects Of Global Warming On Your Health?

Effects Of Global Warming On Your Health

Global warming is the gradual heating of the Earth’s atmosphere, surface, and oceans, due to human activities, like fossil fuel burning, increasing greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere. Such a release of harmful gases causes severe effects on the environment and our health.

Let’s dive deeper into the effects that global warming has on our health:

Severe climate changes due to global warming are already happening in different parts of the world. Some areas are experiencing extreme heat, while infrastructure in other places is ripped apart by tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, and other deadly natural disasters.

The average temperature of Earth is increasing each year which results in the melting of glaciers. This, combined with precipitation patterns and increased rainfall, is causing a drastic rise in sea levels. For people residing in low-lying regions, a rise in sea levels could pose a serious threat to freshwater supplies. The sewage systems of a city can overflow due to severe storms causing them to mix and pollute the freshwater.

Flooding is also becoming more common across different countries in the world. Each year severe floods destroy crops and infrastructure, resulting in losses of precious lives and billions of dollars. It also leads to crop shortage and higher prices of foods.

Moreover, life-threatening weather events are becoming more frequent and intense. Trauma and stress from heat waves, droughts, and floods link with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and suicide.

Power outages due to severe storms also cripple transportation systems and hospitals when people need them most. Power interruptions for a long time can exhaust the generators, which could present a critical situation for patients.

Consider watching this video to know more about what is causing climate change…

Extreme heat and high air temperatures directly correlate with deaths from respiratory and cardiovascular disease, especially among aged people. Increased pollutants in the air and a rise in ozone levels due to high temperatures further worsen patients with respiratory problems. Extreme heat also causes an increase in pollen and other aeroallergen levels. It triggers asthma, which affects many people all around the world. Further temperature increases, which are expected, can cause more burden on people with these diseases.

Climatic conditions also substantially affect water-borne diseases and other diseases spread through cold-blooded animals such as snails and insects. There is a likelihood that climatic changes can alter the geographic range of necessary vector-borne conditions and extend their transmission seasons. Climate also has a strong effect on malaria, which kills thousands of people each year. The Aedes mosquito vector of dengue is likewise extremely sensitive to changes in climatic conditions.

Did you know that global warming could be so dangerous before watching this video? Do you plan to educate other people about these adverse effects as well? Let us know what we can do to reduce global warming in the comments below and share this video so that others can also take measures to prevent severe climate changes due to global warming.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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