What are the effects of high alcohol intake?

effects of high alcohol intake

High alcohol intake can ruin your mental as well as physical health. It has a harmful effect on all parts of your body and can lead to death. When excess alcohol is consumed by an individual, the body is unable to metabolize it and results in alcohol buildup within the blood. Then this blood rich in alcohol flows throughout the body and makes certain chemical as well as hormonal changes in the body leading to alteration of body functions. Alcohol is considered one of the leading causes of more than 60 medical conditions which can ultimately lead to death. High alcohol intake is defined as the consumption of more than 8 drinks for women in a week while more than 15 drinks for men in a week. Have a look at the effects of consuming high alcohol intake:

High alcohol intake can lead to liver disease as alcohol is mainly metabolized within the liver and increase your chance to suffer from liver damage. Alcohol is metabolized into acetaldehyde which results in toxic effects within the body and serves as a carcinogenic. Heavy alcohol intake can increase your risk to suffer from alcoholic fatty liver. Heavy alcohol intake alters the metabolism of fats in the liver and leads to the accumulation of fats within the liver. The excess alcohol can result in liver inflammation which can lead to the formation of scars. Over a period of time, this scarring can lead to liver cirrhosis where the liver is unable to function properly.

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Excess alcohol intake can increase your risk to suffer from cancer including mouth cancer, esophageal cancer, and cancer of the larynx, stomach cancer, cancer of colon/rectum, liver cancer and breast cancer. Both alcohol consumption and excess formation of acetaldehyde can enhance your risk to suffer from cancer.

High alcohol intake can lead to issues in the digestive system such as increased acidity, stomach ulcers, heartburn and inflammation of the stomach lining. When alcohol passes through the GIT lining it leads to toxic effects on the body. The damaging effect over the digestive system can lead to internal bleeding within the esophagus through enlarged veins leading to chronic liver disease. Alcohol impairs gastric acid secretion, delays emptying of gastric contents and impair gastric muscle movements.

High alcohol intake leads to impairment of the immune system making your body vulnerable to certain infectious diseases like tuberculosis, pneumonia, and others. High alcohol intake results in chemical changes within the cells leading to suppression of white blood cells.  Each glass of alcohol intake enhances your risk to suffer from infections. Exposure to high alcohol intake can adversely affect the production of white blood cells along with their functions. It enhances the risk to suffer from TB, pneumonia, HIV infections along with others.

High alcohol intake can affect your brain and lead to memory lapses, blurred vision, difficulty walking, slurred speech along with slow reaction time. The alcohol intake can alter the neurotransmitter formation and the brain receptors where it interferes with the cognitive function of the brain results in mood swings, emotions, and others. Alcohol is characterized as a central nervous system depressant where you are unable to process information and solve simple problems. Alcohol affects the GABA and serotonin receptors where it leads to neurological changes and disrupts the balance along with the motor coordination leading to major falls and injuries. Heavy alcohol intake can speed up the aging process within the brain leading to dementia.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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