What Are The Effects Of Technology On Brain?

Effects Of Technology On Brain

Thanks to rapid advancements in technology, now people are more connected than they were ever before. Although some forms of technology have positively impacted our lives, there is a lot of evidence that presents data for the counterargument.

Mobile devices and social media might lead to physical and psychological issues such as difficulty in focusing and eyestrain. Other more severe health issues like depression are also linked with the overuse of gadgets and technology.

Let’s dive into the details of how technology is affecting our brains:

There is a link between mental health issues like anxiety and depression and social networks. People with a more significant number of social support and positive interactions on social media platforms can have lower levels of anxiety and depression. The reverse statement is also valid. People with a higher number of negative social interactions online are more prone to developing mental health issues. So, although there is a link between mental health and social media, the factor determining this correlation is the types of interactions people have on social media platforms.

Social media technology is considered to bring people together, but it might have the opposite effect in some cases. People who use social media more often can be more socially isolated than those who use it less frequently. To reduce this feeling of isolation, users can set time limits for these apps.

Another major issue of technology like social media is that it makes us distracted. The constant urge to check apps for notifications again and again delays our work and distracts us. In this way, we can’t perform the way we could without these apps.

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It is a common observation that sleep quality is disturbed by using technology like mobile phones too close to bedtime. The blue light emitted from computers and cell phones disturbs the natural circadian rhythm of our body and stimulates the brain. It makes it harder for the technology user to fall asleep, resulting in drowsiness and a feeling of being less alert the next day. To lower the side effects of blue light on your brain, you can stop using cell phones and other devices that emit blue light at least an hour before going to sleep. A blue light filter app on electronic devices and glasses with a unique lens are some other ways to improve sleep quality.

The developing brains of children are more sensitive to the overuse of technology. Some of these effects might be addiction, aggressive behavior, social issues, delays in emotional and social development, delays in language development, low creativity, lack of attention, and low academic performance. There is also an increased chance of developing ADHD, which is an attention disorder.

Were you aware of all these effects of technology on our brains? If you weren’t, do you plan to take some time off from gadgets and spend more time on physical activities? You can comment your thoughts below and share this video so that others can also reduce their on-screen time.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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