What Are The Major Causes Of Backache?

Types of Backache

Backache is one of the most common debilitating condition which impairs our daily activities. The symptoms linked with backache include stabbing or shooting pain, muscle ache, radiating pain that moves towards the legs, pain that worsens while performing everyday activities like sitting, bending, walking, lifting, standing, or others and pain that gets better on reclining. Back pain is more commonly seen in women than in men, most probably due to the involvement of hormones.

Back pain usually occurs suddenly and lasts for around 6-7 weeks. It occurs either due to heavy lifting or fall injury. The back pain is divided into acute or chronic type depending on their duration i.e., lasting for weeks or months, respectively.

The significant causes of backache include the following:

Ligament or muscle strain which occurs due to awkward movement or heavy lifting that strains the spinal ligaments or back muscles. Constant stress over the back can result in painful muscle spasms.

Discs act as cushioning material between the vertebrae of the spine. The discs have soft material inside them, which bulges out or ruptures the disc resulting in compression of the surrounding nerves, ultimately causing back pain. This condition is termed as a herniated or ruptured disc. The pain experienced during this condition is excruciating, radiating towards the buttocks and down towards the legs leading to sciatica.

Spondylolisthesis, where the wear and tear of the joints with age make it difficult for the bones to glide in the proper position. The vertebrae start moving forwards or move over one another, leading to compression of nerves and ultimately back pain.

Osteoarthritis i.e., the inflammation of the joins within the spine, can cause narrowing of the space within the spinal cord leading to spinal stenosis. This type of arthritis results in lower back pain.

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Scoliosis is a skeletal irregularity disorder where the spine curves over the sides can also result in backache.

Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become brittle and porous leading to compression fractures within the spine, ultimately resulting in backaches.

Other than these causes, lower back pain can also occur due to medical conditions like pinched nerves, diabetes, heart conditions, kidney problems, or others.

The risk factors which result in backache include occupational activities, sedentary lifestyle, increased age, excess weight, pregnancy, smoking, strenuous exercises, genetic factors, medical conditions like cancer or arthritis.

Fortunately, some ways allow you to prevent and get rid of back pain. Simple home remedies, over the counter medicines, and specific back exercises also help in relieving back pain. Try attaining smart postures while standing, sitting, or bending, which prevents you from back pain. In some instances, the back pain does not resolve with home remedies or self-care, so it’s better to consult the doctor for immediate care and treatment plan. If your pain does not relieve with self-care then visit the doctor immediately when you see the following signs like weight loss, pain in legs, blow or injury to the back, urinary or fecal incontinence, fever, inflammation or swelling of the back, difficulty in passing urine, numbness around the genitals, anus or buttocks area. If these signs are present, the doctor will immediately perform the imaging tests like X-ray, CT scan, MRI, EMG, or electromyography and bone scans to evaluate the ultimate cause of backache and help you get rid of the excruciating pain.


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