What Happens To Your Body When You Have An Allergic Reaction?

Allergic Reaction effects on Human Body?

You must have known someone around you who suffers from bad allergic symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, irritated, and many others. An allergic reaction is a reaction to a certain allergen. It is a chain of reactions that begins from the genes and is expressed through the immune system of the body. The immune system of your body gets activated once you have an allergic reaction. The immune system is the one that defends the body against infections. For instance, if you suffer from dust allergy or pollen allergy, then the body identifies it as the invader and overreacts in reaction to the allergen.

The immune system produces antibodies which are known as IgE antibodies. These specific antibodies reach the cells and result in the release of chemicals, which leads to an allergic reaction. The reaction then results in a series of symptoms within the sinuses, nose, lungs, throat, stomach lining, ears, or skin.

There are various IgE antibodies in the body that are specific to the radar ( to a specific allergen). This indicates that some people are specifically allergic to dust, some are allergic to cat dander, and others are allergic to pollen and many different forms of allergies. It is not clearly understood that which substances trigger an allergic reaction and which don’t. Some people respond to allergens, while others don’t. The only thing which is known for now is that family history matters a lot when we talk about allergies.  

Consider watching this video to know more about what is allergy….

50-60 million Americans suffer from allergic disease, and all of them suffer from different types of allergic diseases. The common allergic disease which is seen worldwide is hay fever or allergic rhinitis. This allergic disease commonly occurs during spring, summer, or fall, where the person suffers from sneezing, runny nose, and itchy skin, redness of eyes or watery eyes. When the person suffers from allergic symptoms all-round the year, then it occurs due to indoor allergens like pets, indoor molds, or dust mites.

Hives or urticaria is the allergic skin reaction where it becomes red and bumpy. It occurs due to certain medications or foods. Eczema or atopic dermatitis is also the skin reaction, but it occurs due to certain products where the skin suffers from itching, flaking, peeling, or redness over the skin. Allergic conjunctivitis is the eye allergy where the eyes react to different allergens leading to swelling, redness, and itching. Food allergy is also common where the person suffers from immediate coughing ad bronchospasm due to certain proteins in food items. People suffering from asthma also have allergic rhinitis, where they suffer from chest tightness, breathing difficulties, wheezing, and swelling of the airways, which can narrow the air passages.  

Anaphylaxis is a severe form of an allergic reaction which is life-threatening. This allergic reaction occurs either due to insect stings, foods, latex, or different medicines. For diagnosing the different allergies, patients are usually advised to visit the allergist or an immunologist who can help in identifying the allergy and help in treating them. Allergy skin tests, blood tests, family history, and many other tests are advised depending on your allergic reactions. Once the allergen is identified, the allergist then suggests the treatment plan for relieving the allergic reaction. Certain tablets, immunotherapy shots, and antihistamines are prescribed to relieve the symptoms. However, still, there is no specific cure for relieving allergic reactions completely. But the proper treatment plan aids in making your life and health better!

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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