What is amnesia?


Amnesia is a disease in which a person becomes unable to remember things about himself, friends, family or whatever has been going on in his life. He becomes unable to catch up with his memories. It’s quite upsetting, isn’t it?  

Information, facts, memories and a person’s experiences about things get lost.  

There are two types of amnesia, retrograde and anterograde amnesia.  

Anterograde amnesia is when a person becomes unable to remember new information after getting amnesia. He will have old memories, but the formation of new memories in his mind would be impossible. 

Watch this video if you trying to boost your memory.

Retrograde amnesia is when a person becomes unable to remember his past events and experiences. He cannot recall his old memories, even though he can make new memories.  

People with amnesia usually know who they are. Amnesia is not like how it is shown in the movies.  

The brain is responsible for normal memory functions. If any part of the brain gets damaged due to an injury or a disease, it will get complicated to form or recall memories.  

Are you getting enough sleep? Watch this video to know the relationship between sleep and your memory.

If any damage happens to the limbic system, thalamus or hippocampal, it can result in amnesia. These are the parts of the brain which are responsible for emotions and memories.  

Neurological amnesia occurs when the brain is injured or damaged due to any reason. It can happen due to a stroke, brain inflammation, infection from a virus or autoimmune reactions. It can also happen from a lack of oxygen in the brain which may be caused by heart diseases or respiratory problems.  

If alcohol is taken for a long time and in the excessive amount, it can cause vitamin B1 deficiency, tumours in the memory controlling areas and degeneration of the brain due to diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia. Medicines which affect the brain or seizures, all these problems can cause neurological amnesia.  

If your head gets injured severely from an accident or playing sport, it can cause confusion and difficulty remembering new information. Long term amnesia occurs from severe head injuries which cause permanent damage.  

Dissociative amnesia occurs from trauma or emotional shocks from upsetting incidents. The person suffering from this amnesia loses his personal memories.  

Amnesia is of different types and has different effects, but even mild amnesia can disturb your life. There will be problems conducting daily activities, working or attending school. Even disturb your social life.  

It is not usually possible to recover the memories which have been lost, but a person can indulge in memory training activities to enhance their memory. However, people with severe amnesia should be treated under proper medical attention and care.  

To avoid amnesia you should be careful of certain risk factors. Do not go for alcohol abuse. Protect your head when playing a sport or riding a bicycle or motorbike. Treat any disease and infection quickly. Go to your doctor if you have a severe headache or have been having strokes.  

If a person is losing his memories without any reason, had a recent head injury, is getting confused more often and being delusional, it is advised to get him checked up by a doctor immediately.  

People with amnesia tend to lose directions or not feel like having medical attention, but if you know someone who is going through this problem, you must take them for proper medical care.  

Were you aware that memory loss of such kind was a real thing and not just present in movies or television?  

Don’t you think amnesia is quite an upsetting condition? Do you know any people who have any type of amnesia? Leave all of your opinions on this video in the comments below. 

Until Next Time, 

Team Doctor ASKY! 


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