What Is An Ulcer?

What Is An Ulcer?

Ulcers are open slow-healing wounds or sores caused by the breakage of the skin or mucous membrane that failed to heal. It can occur both externally and internally. There are several types of ulcers based on location.

Any disease, infection, or trauma can be a possible cause of an ulcer. Many of the ulcers heal on their own, while some may create problems and require constant medical care.
Let’s have a look at the different types of ulcers, their respective causes, and complications.
Bedsores: are also known as pressure sores. They occur in bed-ridden patients. Long-term bed rest leads to pressure build-up and reduces blood flow. Initially, they are skin-colored but can develop into deep and open wounds. They can lead to several problems if left untreated like skin cancers, bone and joint infections, scabies, etc.
Corneal ulcers: it occurs inside the eye on the surface of the cornea. It can be a result of any infection or prolonged dry eye condition. It causes irritation and redness, and you feel like there is something inside your eye. It can lead to complicated vision problems if left untreated.
Genital ulcers: are open sores on your genital areas. They are extremely painful and can be a result of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), e.g., herpes simplex, syphilis, or because of any infection or injury. They are a source of STDs and may lead to HIV.
Foot and leg ulcers are usually the result of any injury or wound that didn’t heal, resulting in the formation of ulcers. They’re extremely painful and may take months to years to recover.
Venous ulcers; appear on your legs when you’ve underlying problems in your vein, e.g., history of leg swelling, varicose veins, diabetes, etc. all these conditions reduce the blood flow and lead to ulcers. They can get severely complicated that you may require removal of that part of your body by surgery.
Mouth ulcers or canker sores; appear on the membranes of your mouth and can be of different colors like red, yellow, and white. Yellow ones are usually pus-filled. It can be caused due to any dental procedure, Crohn’s disease, or celiac disease. Acidic foods can aggravate and make them worse. These types of ulcers usually heal on their own, but if they stay for more than three weeks, see your doctor.
Stomach ulcers : are ulcers that are not visible from the naked eye. Stomach ulcers are the type of peptic ulcers, are extremely painful and create severe complications. They are caused due to excessive acid secretion, acid reflux, or the presence of H-pylori infection. These conditions damage the standard defense mechanism of mucous membranes and damage your stomach lining. Symptoms may range from simple acidity to as dangerous as vomiting with blood.
Diagnosis is made according to the severity of your symptoms and the condition of your ulcer. As for stomach ulcers, several tests may be conducted to rule out H-pylori.
Proton pump inhibitors are prescribed to reduce your acid secretion. Your doctor will recommend you to alter some things in your routine like the removal of spicy and acidic foods from your diet.

Ulcers should be handled carefully and treated in time; otherwise, they can create destructive problems. Eat healthily, stay healthy, and take care of your wounds and hygiene.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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