What Is Colorblindness? Can It Be Treated?

what is colorblindness

From traffic signals to various shades of different colors, the receptors within your eyes called cones allow you to see them all. Colors are usually visually appealing and play a vital role in your life. Not only do they help in identification and signaling, but they also influence your perspective and emotions. However, some people are unable to see or differentiate between colors in a usual way. This condition is called color blindness or color deficiency, and it is most prevalent in males. Colorblindness or deficiency is more common than you think. Many celebrities and personalities have it. According to an estimate, every 1 in 12 men suffers from colorblindness whereas, only 1 in 200 women have this condition.

Do you know that babies are born colorblind as well? However, they develop colored vision gradually and can see colors fully by the age of 6months. So, wondering how do you see colors? The cone cells in your eyes sense the different wavelengths of light and enable your retina to distinguish between various colors. Three types of cones, including red, green, and blue, help your brain with color perception. However, in colorblindness, a genetic defect or some disease can alter how the light receptors respond to specific colors. It can also happen when one or more cone cells are absent or damaged. Though most cases are genetic and by birth, you can also develop color blindness later in life.

Depending on the condition, the degree of colorblindness varies from person to person. Did you know that some people may have such mild symptoms that they stay unaware of their situation? Another interesting fact is that a few people may have colorblindness in one eye and normal vision in the other. This condition is called unilateral dichromacy and is usually rare.

The most common symptoms of colorblindness include trouble in seeing colors or their brightness in the usual way or the inability to distinguish between different shades of the same or other colors. Mostly, people face difficulty with red-green and blue-yellow differentiation. Almost 98% of people with this condition have red-green colorblindness.

People who have diseases like diabetes, glaucoma, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s are also at a higher risk of developing colorblindness. Certain drugs and medications can also lead to this condition. The diagnostic tests for colorblindness are usually simple. Your ophthalmologist may use a pattern of multi-colored dots with numbers and shapes. This pattern is typically present in the form of colored plates. Nine plates with colored dots are shown to the patient. If you have normal vision, you can easily see the figures on the plates. However, colorblind people may face difficulty in finding the number or shape. Some people don’t see any pattern at all.

The treatment for colorblindness depends on the cause. If colorblindness is genetic, there’s no treatment for it. However, special contact lenses and eyewear can help. Recently, special colorblindness glasses have gained worldwide popularity. These glasses have filters that help with color deficiencies. Acquired cases of colorblindness can be treated by dealing with the underlying condition.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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