What Is Gastritis?

What Is Gastritis

We all must have experienced stomach ache at some point of life. However, there are various forms of a stomach ache; today, we will have a look at what is gastritis. It is the irritation, inflammation or erosion of the stomach lining. Gastritis is either acute or chronic, i.e. it occurs immediately or over some time.

The causes of gastritis include:

  • Excessive irritation of stomach lining due to increased alcohol usage
  • It can also occur due to chronic vomiting, stressful situations or due to particular medications like anti-inflammatory drugs. The excess of pain-relieving medicines can result in acute or chronic gastritis.
  • Gastritis can occur due to bile reflux where the bile backflows from the bile tract to the stomach
  • It can occur due to Helicobacter Pylori which is a bacteria that inhabits the stomach lining, if it stays there for a prolonged period without any treatment causes ulcers and ultimately stomach cancer
  • Bacterial or viral infections leading to gastritis, if not treated immediately can lead to increased blood loss and chances of stomach cancer
  • Older age can also increase your chances to suffer from gastritis as the stomach lining reduces with age. As you get older, you are more prone to suffer from Pylori infections and autoimmune disorders due to weak immunity.
  • Gastritis also occurs due to other medical disorders like Crohn’s disease, HIV/AIDS or parasitic infections.
  • It also occurs with other autoimmune conditions like type 1 diabetes or Hashimotos disorder where the body starts attacking its cells.

The symptoms of gastritis vary from one person to another. However, the similar symptoms include vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, burning sensation in the stomach, hiccups, blood in vomiting, tarry/ black stools, and others.

The diagnosis of gastritis starts with a personal/ family medical history. The doctor performs the physical examination. Then the tests are performed, which includes upper endoscopy where the doctor passes the flexible tube with a lens down the throat into the esophagus, passes through the stomach and then reaches the small intestine. The endoscope helps the doctor to identify the signs of inflammation. Other tests include blood tests, a fecal occult blood test which helps in diagnosing the involvement of bacterial infections.

There are various treatment options in the market which helps in curing gastritis, but it varies from person to person depending on their symptoms. Other than the treatment options, you can prevent yourself against gastritis by avoiding spicy or hot foods, eliminate any irritating foods from the diet like gluten or lactose. Pylori infections are seen to be transmitted from one person to another; it is therefore advised to wash your hands frequently with soapy water and eat foods which are thoroughly cooked. Consider eating smaller and frequent meals, try avoiding alcohol and try switching the pain relievers if they are aggravating your gastric disorder.

You should visit the doctor if the symptoms of indigestion last for one week or more. The complications associated with gastritis if left untreated include stomach bleeding or ulcers. The different causes of gastritis can also result in severe conditions like stomach cancer. Due to these severe complications, it is advised to consult the doctor if you experience symptoms associated with gastritis, especially in cases when it is chronic.

The outlook of this inflammatory condition varies depending on the cause. If gastritis occurred due to bacterial infection, then it resolves with antibiotics within a week or so. However, if the condition becomes chronic, then you need a proper therapeutic plan to get rid of the symptoms.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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