Why do we get grey hair?


Grey hair; some people think it looks cool while some get scared at the thought of getting grey hair, as it is linked to getting older. Yes, we get grey hair as we age but it is not entirely the case. We can get grey hair at any age, we don’t have to be specifically old to have grey hair. But mostly it is common in old people. But the question here is, why do we get grey hair?

There are pigment cells in our hair follicles which start dying as we continue to get older. Pigment cells contain melanin which gives colour to our hair, but when pigment cells become fewer in the hair follicles it means that melanin also decreases. This leads to grey, white or silver hair colour. This process is normal as people get older.

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Teenagers and even youngsters can have white hair strands. This means even in teenagers and youngsters pigments cells can decrease in the hair follicles and change the colour of the hair. You should not get scared that you’re getting older sooner than expected. There can be other reasons why your hair is turning grey. Let’s take a look at few of them.

If a person has a deficiency of vitamin B-6, B-12, biotin, vitamin D or vitamin E, it can turn their hair white or grey.

If vitamins are missing in your nutrients, there are chances your hair will turn colourless. But by consuming vitamin supplements, you can return your normal hair colour back. So that is not a problem.

Lack of good cholesterol HDL-C, serum ferritin, vitamin B-12 all contribute in making the hair grey even in youngsters. 

Even genetics can play a role in turning your hair grey from its normal colour. If your parents had grey hair, you are more likely to have grey hair as well. Your race and ethnicity also become a factor.

Your premature grey hair colour can also be a result of oxidative stress. This stress causes an imbalance in the body and all the process get disturbed. It contributes to ageing and diseases. Disease like vitiligo can also occur which is a skin pigment condition. It can kill the melanin cells or stop the functions of the melanin cells.

Autoimmune diseases can make a person’s hair grey. Autoimmune diseases are those in which a person’s own immune system starts attacking the body mistakenly. Studies showed that thyroid problems caused the hair to turn grey.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition in which the scalp, face and other parts of the body lose their hair. But when the hair grows back again, it comes as white or grey because there is an insufficient amount of melanin available.

Real-life stress can also make your hair turn white or grey. It has been showed through researches and studies that stress can turn your hair colourless.

Smoking is another factor that contributes to hair colour turning grey. People who smoke can get grey coloured hair earlier than those who don’t smoke. In young males, smoking has been linked to grey hair.

Even the shampoo you might be using can turn your hair grey. Certain chemical hair dyes and products contain harmful chemicals and ingredients which reduces melanin, thus results in grey hair.

Hydrogen peroxide is used mostly in hair dyes, which is a really harmful substance. It is better to check your products if they contain harmful chemicals and refrain from such products.

Even if you use products to bleach your hair in excessive amount, it can turn your hair grey.

Do you have grey hair? Or have you seen youngsters and teenagers with white or grey hair?

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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