Blood is an incredible, essential component of all of our bodies. The blood type is inherited from parents and determined by two main factors, the ABO grouping system and the Rh factor.
All blood consists of plasma, red and white blood cells, and platelets, but it’s the antigens that separate it into distinct categories or blood types. The importance of knowing your blood type is to prevent the risk of you receiving an incompatible blood type at a time of need, such as during blood transfusion or surgery.
If two incompatible blood types get mixed, it leads to clumping of blood cells that can be potentially fatal. The receiver’s body can start producing antibodies that attack the antigens on the blood cells in the blood. It may be the reason your blood type is tested and cross-matched against the donor blood, which minimizes the risk of transfusion reaction before the process.
Knowing your Rh factor is also essential, especially for pregnant women. If a woman is pregnant with an Rh-positive baby, and she is Rh-negative, it can lead to a condition called Rh incompatibility. If the blood of Rh-positive baby’s mix with the Rh-negative blood of the mother, it can trigger the production of antibodies against the baby’s blood known as Rh sensitization.
There is a constant need for blood donations. Sometimes certain blood types will be called out to the public to donate if possible due to an emergency or low supply. It’s essential to know your blood type so you can donate for that particular need! People with type O-negative are universal blood donors, meaning they can give blood to any blood type. Whether you’re O-negative or another blood type, each is needed.
Not all of the results are conclusive, but studies have shown that some blood types have slightly higher risks of certain diseases. Type AB, A, and B have increased risks for blood clots. Studies have shown that these blood types were 40% more at risk of having deep-vein thrombosis, blood clots in the lower legs that can be dangerous. Type AB, A, and B also have increased risks for heart disease. Type A has an increased risk of stomach cancer, but also, a higher rate of fertility. Type AB and B have a higher risk for pancreatic cancer, and type O has the lowest stroke risk.
Some believe that eating a diet based on your blood type could make you healthier. There’s a diet called the Blood Type Diet, basing on the claim that foods you eat react with your blood type. For example, type O blood is suggested to have a high-protein diet with lean meats and light on grains. Type A is encouraged to eat meat-free and focus on fruits, vegetables, and beans. Studies have not been conducted to confirm whether or not this diet has had a significant impact on one’s health, but many people believe it does, particularly with weight loss and energy-boosting!
So please get to know your blood type today, there’s no harm in it!
Until Next Time,
Team Doctor ASKY!