Why Should You Never Ignore A Crying Baby?

Never Ignore A Crying Baby

Everyone loves their child, but many parents let their child to cry it out in a room for a long time, they don’t pick them up as it will spoil them and turns them into demanding. This concept of emotionally detaching your child from yourself and leave them in stress, with the goal that crying isn’t going to get you attention in wrong. when your baby is crying, he is telling you something, crying is only way of communication between parents and child. you must figure it out, maybe he is hungry or wet or hot. perhaps we have been led to believe that responding straight away will result in overdependence and he will disturb you more often or cry out loud to sleep and make your nights sleepless. Your baby isn’t going to understand all this, he is going to feel only one emotion that is ignorance when their needs won’t be fulfilled. We got satisfied when a baby doesn’t cry anymore to sleep and can sleep on his own, we took it as a success but, they have learned that they cannot trust anyone to come to them when they call out.

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It is thought that if we don’t give them immediate attention and response, they will learn how to live independently but in actual they got more dependent on others when grown up, learning the fact they need to scream to get their needs meet. You should listen to your baby’s cries to determine the nature before you respond, and you will learn which cries needs immediate response.

You must solve the issue instead of ignoring. NEVER IGNORE YOUR BABY WHEN HE IS CRYING.

Because it’s the time of vital brain development which when undermined affects the rest of the life. Parents have the major role in the brain developing process, babies’ brain is fully developed if it met the reasonable emotionally nurturing environment, and brain damaging effects can occur if parents fail to nurture properly. Caregiver behavior also matters for turning genes on and off, There is a critical period for turning on genes which controls anxiety for the rest of live, in human it is 6 months of life, if child has low nurturing from mother the genes never gets turned on and the child is anxious towards new situations for the rest of its life. There are hundreds of genes affected by nurturing.

Babies should not be crying for a prolonged time; it increases the blood pressure in the brain that elevates stress hormone cortisol and inhibits growth hormone which decreases the development of nerve tissue in the brain suppressing immune system and growth. Intense stress and crying can lead to changes in functional and structural changes in brain as a depressed adult because overload stress alters neurotransmitter which are responsible for functions. It can increase adrenaline system and so the child will show aggression, violent behavior later in life. Lack of social skills and healthy intellectual is found when they are adult. These infants have a difficult time expressing their emotions and feelings. Under loved children become un-cooperative harsh and have difficult to compromise when grown-up. It is necessary to stimulate portions of brain responsible for emotional attachment by giving your child attention and love, otherwise these sections will not develop.

Parents are the one responsible for child’s behavior and life, if you do the parenting right crown is on your head, if you don’t you are going to gift a lifetime suffering to your child. Never ignore your child’s needs.

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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