Why You Should Donate Blood?

Why You Should Donate Blood?

Donating blood is a voluntary process, and it helps saves millions of lives. Whole blood donation is the most common type of blood donation, during which a person donates a pint of blood throughout the world.

Making a blood donation uses about 1 pint of blood, and after the process, your body has a fantastic capability of replacing the lost fluids because your body makes about 2 million new red cells every second.

Donating blood is good for the health of donors as well as those who need it. Donating blood is also healthy for your body because it is associated with a reduced risk of cancer and hemochromatosis. This process also helps in reducing the risk of damage to the liver and pancreas. Donating blood also helps in improving cardiovascular health and obesity.

Donating blood can help people who are suffering from bleeding disorders, cancer, chronic anemia, sickle cell anemia, and other blood abnormalities.

Consider watching this video to know more about how to keep your blood healthy….

Hemochromatosis is a condition in which there is excessive absorption of iron by the body. The reason can be anemia, genetic or alcoholism, or other disorders. A regular donation of blood helps to reduce the iron overload from the body.

When a person donates blood, he undergoes some physical tests which can identify unknown health concerns. The health issues can include blood pressure concerns or low blood count. By donating blood, the iron levels in the body remain at a healthy level. A reduction in lower levels of iron leads to low cancer risk, so blood donation helps in lowering the risk of cancer.

Giving blood at least once a year can reduce your risk of a heart attack by 88%. The high levels of iron in the blood constrict your blood vessels and create more risk of a heart attack. Depleting those extra iron deposits by donating blood gives your blood vessels more room to operate.

You can avoid ailments of the liver and heart by donating blood. Extra iron gets stored in the liver and pancreas, which in turn can increase the risk of cirrhosis, liver failure, damage to the pancreas, and heart abnormalities.

Blood donation also reduces the weight of the donor hence helpful to those who are obese and facing other health disorders.

When you donate blood, the body works to replace the blood loss. Blood donation helps stimulate the production of new blood cells hence maintaining overall good health.

After the donation, you may feel dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous for some time. You should lie down, drink fluids-usually water or juice, and eat a light snack afterward. Eating and drinking water are known to alleviate the symptoms associated with blood donation.

Donating the blood is also associated with physical weakness, especially in the arm where the needle made a puncture. For that reason, it is advised to refrain from physical activity for some time.

Donating blood also has psychological effects on your health because donating blood means that you are helping someone who desperately needs it. Getting out of your natural environment to do something good for someone else is stimulating in the best kind of way. Volunteering has been shown to have positive effects on happiness and reduce the risk of depression and loneliness.

Since the blood is not available readily, many people depend on donors for their very lives! Go and make a difference in some one’s life!

Until Next Time,

Team Doctor ASKY!


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