why you should not hold your pee for longer?

holding pee for longer

A general conception is that a person should go to the bathroom before an emergency call. There is no hard rule about the frequency and timing of urination. Our bladder can retain 16 ounces of water, approximately two cups of fluid at a single time. The bladder can also be stretched to hold more fluid than its limit. The human body takes 9-10 hours to fill the bladder up to its maximum limit. When the bladder is half-filled with urine, it sends a signal to the brain for the urge of urination. Every 3-4 hours, we had to go to the bathroom.

Consider watching this video to know more about habits that damages your kidney.


It is a regular act for people to retain urine. The reason behind this voluntary control may be a suspense movie, a road trip that we do not want to ruin, or a busy routine. The average frequency of urination is 6-7 times per day. Though there is no significant complication attached to hold your pee for a longer time, there are some unwanted after-effects of this action.  

It is recommended to empty your bladder after a signal as soon as possible. The brain urges us to urinate, and it is upon us to accept or avoid this call for urination. If a person consistently avoids the signal, the brain gives a command to urinary bladder to hold urine for a more extended period. 

The capacity to hold urine in the bladder varies from person to person. Some people are more prone to infections and complications than others. The simple logic is that urine is a waste product of the body; it has toxins, microorganisms, and nitrogenous waste in it. Waste is meant to excrete out from the body, not to store. Possible complications of urine retention are  

Pain and pressure on the bladder 

Urinary tract infections as bacteria in urine get time to multiply at a rapid rate 

Kidney problems mainly stone as urine contains calcium oxalates and uric acid crystals 

The bladder is stretched because it is filled more than its capacity 

Urinary retention as it is the inability to empty the bladder  

Active bladder and loss of muscle control in the bladder 

Bladder triggered by little stress 

In the worst-case, urine could go back to kidneys; this may result in kidney failure. Incontinence is also a side effect of holding your pee for longer as you lose control of your muscles. A single sneeze or cough will put pressure on your sphincter muscle, and you may wet your pent. Bladder burst may result in urine into the abdomen cavity; infection may prevail towards every organ. 

Bladder training is sometimes recommended by doctors to limit bathroom trips. A person should divert his attention by actively engaging himself, scrolling down through social media, listening to music, staying warm, and crossing the legs. 

Some involuntary reasons lead a person to retain urine. These include nerve damage in the bladder, muscle weakness, enlarged prostate, blockage in the passage of urine. Medications of diuretics, diabetes, and hypertension also increase the urine output, and individuals try to avoid repeated visits to the bathroom. At night there is less water intake, so signals from the bladder are not much frequent. 

The bladder can be burst in extreme cases, but there is still a debate on this. It is not deadly to hold your pee for a long time, but you should use a bathroom after 3-4 hours. Do not rush to the bathroom on the first signal. Stay calm and practice to control the urge for a little time, visit a toilet before the second signal and emergency.  

Until Next Time, 

Team Doctor ASKY! 


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