Women and Men should never ignore these signs of health problems


Women Need to Notice, so do the Men!

To date, there are kinds of variations which affect women more than men. This is mainly due to alteration in genes, anatomy, hormone levels etc. that are more prominent in women as compared to men. Today, we are going to categorize some top diseases that affect women more than men. But, folks you can’t relax in your back seats because women being prone to these diseases can lead to serious health effects on men too. So, do not try to categorize them as “women disease” only.


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It is more like a “bone disease” in which bones loses their density by the time, thus leading to more frequent fractures. You’ll be surprised to know that every 1 in 3 women has osteoporosis but the other fact of the day is, so is 1 in 5 men. The more obvious bone loss occurs at 40-45 years of age, in the case of women, especially after menopause. Men got quite lucky till the age of 60-65 but soon after the bones begin to deteriorate at the very same rate.


Breast Cancer:


Women got to be more prone to breast cancers as we all have seen throughout our lives. This is because women got more problems in their breast tissue. Whereas research shows that breast cancer only hit 1 percent men from all over the globe but the percentage seems to rise. Now, that’s not a good indicator for men out there who do not deal with their breast issues early in life. This makes them survive breast cancer at a far low rate than does the women. Especially if you are above 50 and noticing any lumps in your breast, you need to see your doctor and do not ignore it as breast cancer is only supposed to hit women.


Thyroid Disorders:

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The thyroid is no doubt a small, tiny gland resting in the middle of your neck yet of great importance. As the hormones produced by this gland eventually control all your metabolism, sleep-wake cycle, development, and growth of the human body and much more. The mechanism of release of these hormones is quite regulatory and any disruption can lead to serious consequences.

If it starts producing too much of the hormone, it results in Hyperthyroidism, the symptoms of which are as follow:

  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Forgetfulness

Alternatively, too less of the hormone produced will result in Hypothyroidism, the symptoms of which are:

  • Weight gain
  • Irritability
  • Muscle weakness
  • Sleep disturbance

Women have been reported to affect 5-8 times more than men but men are not safe from this disease at all, as it can affect them too in one way or another.

Eating Disorders:

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The taboo of looking thin and smart and well attractive is not only confined to women these days but it is affecting men more than ever. Thus, they are also falling victim to I’ll say “Dieting disorders” rather than “Eating Disorders”. Though only 10-15 percent of men are prone to this until now the results could be equally devastating as in the case of women. Moreover, it can lead them to various health risk such as:

  • Heart problems
  • Bone loss
  • Organ failure
  • Death, eventually.

To your wonder athletes, homosexuals, obese boys, transgender men are particularly at high risk of this disorder in order to look good or being anxious about their bodies.

Bladder Infections:

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UTI, Urinary Tract Infection, most commonly occurs in women and affect the bladder and urethra, infection of the bladder (cystitis). This type of UTI is usually caused by Escherichia coli, a type of bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract.

This is the most common of above all diseases which spread from women to women and even to men especially if he is a spouse or using the same washroom as yours, mainly if not taking care of their hygiene. The un-hygiene conditions make people prone to this disease one after the other. That is why it is most common in hostels where people share common washrooms, using the same toiletries.

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1) Abdominal pain; When bacteria move from the rectum all the way up to the bladder passing the urethra it can result in abdominal pain

2) Exhaustion; For some unknown reason the immune system slows down in response to a bladder infection. And when the immune system does not work it will gather speed. An immune system trying to work at a faster pace is likely to drain us of all our energy. The only wise thing to do is to get help from a medical professional and take plenty of rest.

3) Frequent urination; This is the infection devil’s game because it likes playing with your bladder for some reason. It so happens to feel the urge to urinate but going in the bathroom you realize you don’t have much to excrete. This manipulation is also one of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection. The presence of bacteria may also give your urine a strange smell.

4) Urine discoloration; Normally urine has a color ranging in shades of yellow, depending on how much water you drink. The presence of bacteria, however, makes the urine seem grey, pink, and cloudy. Blood in the urine is a sign that is an indication for immediate medical attention. Beets, blackberries, and rhubarb also alter urine’s color.

5) Pain while urinating; Excessive production of white blood cells or pyuria result in the inflammation of the bladder wall. The inflammation altogether with the infection makes the process of urination painful and irritating. This way the urine produces a bad smell, all thanks to the bacteria.

6)Stomach flu-like symptoms; The symptoms of a urinary tract infection mimic those of the stomach flu. Due to delayed treatment, the infection can also spread to the kidneys and the symptoms become more obvious then. These include a backache, chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting. You can also experience pelvic discomfort and pain during urination, so it is wise to see a doctor because the infection is likely spreading in your kidneys.

The risk factors for urinary tract infection include:

  • Kidney stones or enlarged prostate,
  • Abnormal urinary tract physiology,
  • Suppressed immune system,
  • Use of a catheter,
  • Urinary surgery procedure,
  • Sepsis which is a life-threatening blood infection where the immune system is compromised,
  • Recurring infections,
  • Premature birth or low birth weight in pregnant women,
  • Long-term kidney damage or acute kidney infection,
  • Narrowing of the urethra

Potential treatments for UTI include:

Intravenous antibiotics, self-treatment on doctor’s approval, estrogen therapy and alternative remedies including probiotics, garlic, and apple cider vinegar.


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